Reset Vacation Follow Up

I have really been negligent with this blog, and I’m hoping to do better. I’m still working 50 hours a week, 6 days a week, but my schedule itself has settled into a routine, however exhausting, so I should be able to be more consistent.

My little reset vacation went well. I walked a lot, scoped out the area for potential places to live, relaxed, watched whatever I wanted, ate too much, and completely detoxed from all that work. It was nice to pop myself out of the rut that I’ve managed to get into already and it was nice to be able to see part of the city I haven’t really seen in a year — part of the city that convinced me to move here anyway.

I won’t say that it gave me a new lease on life or anything dramatic like that, but it did help me put some things in perspective. In just those few days I realized how much better I have it than I used to, and whereas I still have (many) problems, I’m ultimately in a better place and will be in an even better place than this very soon.

It also allowed me to get out of the mire in my head and see what I need to do in the next few months to set myself up for ultimate success.

I also have a birthday coming up and it’s not really something I’m looking forward to, but if I lead an active, happy life, then what does it really matter? I have decided what I want for my birthday, though…a gay clone of Wil Willis as seen on Forged in Fire, the show I’m newly obsessed with.

Can we make that happen right now, thanks? Or at least by next week? Anyone?



~ by Darren Endymion on April 25, 2017.

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